Outsmarting Smart Goals
SMART goals have a positive intention in that they helps us think about what we want to accomplish, and encourage us to set goals that are:
There is nothing inherently wrong with these attributes; they can still add value. But as an overall framework, SMART goals omit:
Whether the goals selected are the right goals to begin with
The negative consequences at play from achieving a particular goal
Unproductive behaviors that result when goals conflict with each other
A person's developmental readiness to take on a goal
The confidence and aspirations required to achieve that goal
The resilience required to bounce back from failure
Beliefs and values that work against goal attainment
The learning that may be required to meet the goal
The safe space to experiment, fail, learn and reflect
The level of stretch involved and/or required
The resources required to support achievement
In other words, SMART goals lack the focus on the needs and mindset of the individual to set, achieve, and experiment
with goals. They brilliantly give us the technical and business aspects of goal setting, but neglect these less visible influences on performance.
I work with you to outsmart SMART goals by showing you how to incorporate these hidden influences into your goal setting process.